5,00 € | Einzelticket |
25,00 € | Drop-In / Single |
60,00 € | Drop-In / 3 Days |
75,00 € | Drop-In / Week Pass |
100,00 € | Probemonat 4x / Woche |
150,00 € | Probemonat Unlimited |
At 0:00... For Time (TC: 8 min) 100 Alternating Snatches EMOM (starting with): 5 Burpees (until you're done with snatches)
At 8:00... For Time (TC: 8 min) 100 Hang Squat Cleans EMOM (starting with): 10 Jumping lunges (until you're done with hang squat cleans)
Score 1 = time to complete 100 snatches Score 2 = time to complete 100 hang squat cleans