Reformer Pilates
Top 25 Studios für Reformer Pilates in Wien
Finde klassen und trainings, kurse, und videos für reformer pilates in Wien. Für Anfänger:innen und Fortgeschrittene. Buche einfach online und teile deine Buchung mit deinen Freund:innen.
- Mär
Reformer Beginner
06:30 - 07:20 • 50 min
aware pilatesDeutsch: Entdecke den perfekten Einstieg ins Reformer Pilates! In dieser Klasse lernst du die Grundlagen des Reformers und die wichtigsten Übungen kennen.Unsere Trainer begleiten dich Schritt für Schritt, sodass du deine Muskeln stärkst und deine Beweglichkeit verbesserst. Ideal für dich, wenn du neu im Reformer Pilates bist oder deine Technik auffrischen möchtest. Bitte sei spätestens 10 Minuten vor Beginn der Stunde im Studio, damit du genügend Zeit hast, dich umzuziehen und wir pünktlich starten können. Nach Kursbeginn können wir leider keinen Einlass mehr gewähren, um die Stunde nicht zu stören. Vergiss außerdem nicht, passende Socken mitzubringen – der Kurs findet in Socken statt. English: Discover the perfect introduction to Reformer Pilates! In this class, you'll learn the basics of the Reformer and the most important exercises. Our trainers will guide you step by step, helping you strengthen your muscles and improve your flexibility. It’s ideal for you if you're new to Reformer Pilates or want to refresh your technique. Please make sure to arrive at the studio at least 10 minutes before the class starts, so you have enough time to change, and we can begin on time. Unfortunately, we cannot allow entry after the class has started to avoid disruptions. Also, don't forget to bring appropriate socks – the class takes place in socks.
- Adresse:
- Stumpergasse 49, 1060 Wien
- Mär
Dynamic Reformer
06:30 - 07:25 • 55 min
JUNE ParlamentExperience our Pilates-inspired dynamic Reformer signature class designed to enhance your overall strength, flexibility, and posture in no time. You'll soon discover a refreshing sense of well-being that begins with a smile, igniting a positive chain reaction that enriches every aspect of your life. Class Attendance Guidelines Our doors open 15 minutes before each class. Please avoid arriving significantly earlier, as our trainers are focused on their previous clients. However, we kindly ask that you arrive at least 5 minutes prior to class to allow enough time for changing and settling in. For safety reasons, our doors will be locked once the class begins, and unfortunately, trainers cannot accommodate late arrivals. Studio Policies We embrace a shoe-free environment. Please take off your shoes upon entering and leave them in the designated area or in your locker. We recommend wearing grippy socks during class, which are available for purchase in our studio shop. Please be aware that we have a strict no-barefoot policy at JUNE. We kindly ask you to bring your own socks (grip or non-grip) to class. Thank you for your understanding, and we look forward to seeing you in class!
- Adresse:
- Reichsratsstraße 5, Eingang Doblhofgasse, 1010 Wien
- Mär
Dynamic Reformer (ENG)
06:30 - 07:25 • 55 min
JUNE TownhouseExperience our Pilates-inspired dynamic Reformer signature class designed to enhance your overall strength, flexibility, and posture in no time. You'll soon discover a refreshing sense of well-being that begins with a smile, igniting a positive chain reaction that enriches every aspect of your life. Class Attendance Guidelines Our doors open 15 minutes before each class. Please avoid arriving significantly earlier, as our trainers are focused on their previous clients. However, we kindly ask that you arrive at least 5 minutes prior to class to allow enough time for changing and settling in. For safety reasons, our doors will be locked once the class begins, and unfortunately, trainers cannot accommodate late arrivals. Studio Policies We embrace a shoe-free environment. Please take off your shoes upon entering and leave them in the designated area or in your locker. We recommend wearing grippy socks during class, which are available for purchase in our studio shop. Please be aware that we have a strict no-barefoot policy at JUNE. We kindly ask you to bring your own socks (grip or non-grip) to class. Thank you for your understanding, and we look forward to seeing you in class!
- Adresse:
- Schwertgasse 4, 1010 Wien
- Mär
*4WOMXN* Dynamic Reformer
07:00 - 07:50 • 50 min
Soma Co. Vienna**This class is reserved for all those who identify as womxn ;)* Raise your heart rate! High reps, lots of movement, a fluid style - this class will make you sweat. Use the Reformer and props as your base for a balanced and fun workout. All-levels, though - you choose how much you do or how hard you.. Grip Socks Required, available for purchase at reception or Via Eversports
- Adresse:
- Glockengasse 21, 1020 Wien
- Mär
Dynamic Reformer (ENG)
07:00 - 07:55 • 55 min
JUNE TownhouseExperience our Pilates-inspired dynamic Reformer signature class designed to enhance your overall strength, flexibility, and posture in no time. You'll soon discover a refreshing sense of well-being that begins with a smile, igniting a positive chain reaction that enriches every aspect of your life. Class Attendance Guidelines Our doors open 15 minutes before each class. Please avoid arriving significantly earlier, as our trainers are focused on their previous clients. However, we kindly ask that you arrive at least 5 minutes prior to class to allow enough time for changing and settling in. For safety reasons, our doors will be locked once the class begins, and unfortunately, trainers cannot accommodate late arrivals. Studio Policies We embrace a shoe-free environment. Please take off your shoes upon entering and leave them in the designated area or in your locker. We recommend wearing grippy socks during class, which are available for purchase in our studio shop. Please be aware that we have a strict no-barefoot policy at JUNE. We kindly ask you to bring your own socks (grip or non-grip) to class. Thank you for your understanding, and we look forward to seeing you in class!
- Adresse:
- Schwertgasse 4, 1010 Wien
- Mär
Functional Reformer
07:00 - 07:55 • 55 min
AiO Reformer StudioHerzlich Willkommen im AiO Reformer Studio! Dich erwarten funktionell-dynamische sowie Pilates-inspirierte Reformer Klassen, hochwertiges Equipment, hochqualifizierte Trainer:innen und eine moderne Trainingsatmosphäre. Die perfekte Fusion aus Kraft und Flexibilität bilden ein perfekt auf Dich abgestimmtes Training. It's time to Reform your Body & Reset your Mind! Wir bitten dich, 15 Minuten vor Beginn der Klasse bei uns vor Ort zu sein - so bleibt uns genug Zeit für die Anmeldung und das Umziehen. Vergiss dabei nicht auf rutschfeste Socken, diese benötigst du, um die Reformer Class wirklich in vollen Zügen genießen zu können! Während der Einheit wird jede Übung auf dein individuelles Level angepasst - Jede:r ist somit Herzlich Willkommen.
- Adresse:
- Breitenfurter Straße 308, 1230 Wien
- Mär
Reformer Pilates
07:15 - 08:10 • 55 min
PY Studio - 1090Bei unseren Pilates Reformer Flow Klassen bist du immer richtig, egal ob du Anfängerin, Fortgeschritte oder Profi bist. Die Pilates Flow´s sind intensiv und zielen noch mehr auf die Kräftigung und Stärkung deines ganzen Körpers ab. Du möchtest deinen Körper neu entdecken, straffen und stärken dann bist du in unsere Reformer Flow Klassen bestens aufgehoben. Die Einheit dauert 55 Minuten. Stornierungsfrist für Kundinnen ist spätestens 24 Stunden vor Klassenbeginn. Klassen werden ab 3 Teilnehmer abgehalten. PY hat das Recht 3 Stunden vor Klassenbeginn die Klasse abzusagen. Für Schwangere ist es nicht erlaubt an Reformer Klassen teilzunehmen.
- Adresse:
- Garnisongasse 4, 1090 Wien
- Mär
Reformer Intermediate (EN)
07:15 - 08:10 • 55 min
Maité.Welcome to our Reformer class, where strength meets grace in a dynamic fusion of movement and mindfulness. The Reformer adds an exciting dimension to your fitness routine. Take the plunge and let yourself be guided through a series of controlled and precise movements to sculpt and tone your body. You"ll experience a full body workout that targets muscles you never knew existed. The adjustable springs allow for customised resistance. This class is for those who have been on the reformer before and are seeking for a challenge.
- Adresse:
- Neubaugasse 64-66, 1070 Wien
Reformer Pilates nach Level
Wonach suchst du?
JUNE Parlament
4.9402 Rezensionen1 Angebot für Neukund:innen- Adresse:
- Reichsratsstraße 5 , 1010 Wien
- Angebote:
- Reformer Pilates
- Pilates
- Pilates Mat
- Mehr...
Ab: € 24,00JUNE Townhouse
4.9214 Rezensionen1 Angebot für Neukund:innen- Adresse:
- Schwertgasse 4, 1010 Wien
- Angebote:
- Reformer Pilates
- Pilates
- Pilates Mat
- Mehr...
Ab: € 24,00Maité.
4.8223 Rezensionen4 Angebote für Neukund:innen- Adresse:
- Neubaugasse 64-66 , 1070 Wien
- Angebote:
- Reformer Pilates
- Pilates
- Yoga
- Mehr...
Ab: € 18,00REFORMER Sessions
4.8113 Rezensionen1 Angebot für Neukund:innen- Adresse:
- Weintraubengasse 9 , 1020 Wien
- Angebote:
- Reformer Pilates
- Pilates
- Pilates auf Englisch
- Mehr...
Ab: € 23,00Soma Co. Vienna
4.893 Rezensionen1 Angebot für Neukund:innen- Adresse:
- Glockengasse 21 , 1020 Wien
- Angebote:
- Reformer Pilates
- Pilates
- Yoga
- Mehr...
Ab: € 15,00aware pilates
4.975 Rezensionen1 Angebot für Neukund:innen- Adresse:
- Stumpergasse 49 , 1060 Wien
- Angebote:
- Reformer Pilates
- Dynamic Reformer
Ab: € 20,00ARI Sports
5.080 Rezensionen- Adresse:
- Lange Gasse 46, 1080 Wien
- Angebote:
- Reformer Pilates
- Fitness
- Krafttraining
- Mehr...
Ab: € 0,00NUJU
5.062 Rezensionen1 Angebot für Neukund:innen- Adresse:
- Tallesbrunngasse 4 , 1190 Wien
- Angebote:
- Reformer Pilates
- Barre-Training
- Stretching
- Mehr...
Ab: € 25,00AiO Reformer Studio
5.026 Rezensionen1 Angebot für Neukund:innen- Adresse:
- Breitenfurter Straße 308 , 1230 Wien
- Angebote:
- Reformer Pilates
- Dynamic Reformer
Ab: € 19,00MAE Studio Pilates
4.720 Rezensionen1 Angebot für Neukund:innen- Adresse:
- Predigergasse 5, 1010 Wien
- Angebote:
- Reformer Pilates
- Personal Training
- Gruppentraining
- Mehr...
Ab: € 22,00Power of Pilates
4.910 Rezensionen1 Angebot für Neukund:innen- Adresse:
- Cobenzlgasse 12, 1190 Wien
- Angebote:
- Reformer Pilates
- Pilates
Ab: € 20,00PY Studio - 1090
4.8135 Rezensionen- Adresse:
- Garnisongasse 4, 1090 Wien
- Angebote:
- Reformer Pilates
- Fitness
- Yoga
- Mehr...
Ab: € 15,00